BioDesign Inc. of New York

BioDesignWell Reader™

Well Reader

We got tired of examining the large numbers of 24 and 96 well plates that are produced in our lab each day. Plates were laboriously examined for hybidomas using an inverted microscope or immunoassays were examined using a optical plate reader which produced a large paper report. Yet, usually all we really needed was a visual determination of which wells in a plate had the maximum hybridoma clonal growth or the strongest immunoassay color reaction. Unfortunately, some people started holding the plates over their head to quickly examine the entire plate – with a few too many plates being accidentally spilled !

To solve this problem, we developed a convenient magnifying well reader for 24 or 96 well plates, as well for petri dishes. Simply place your plate on the top of the BioDesignWell Reader and examine the entire magnified image along with an enlarged scale. Allows quick identification of wells having hybidoma clones, positive agglutination, plaques, maximum immunoassay reactions, etc.

Catalog #




BioDesign Plate Reader for 24 well plates



BioDesign Plate Reader for 96 well plates



Combination Package of #C102 and #C104



Cover plate that encloses the Plate Reader opening. Allows the examination of petri dishes and non-standard plates. For use with #C102 or #C104
